Set Theory
Set Theory
How to deal with bad ideas and how anyone can sketch ideas regardless of skill | EP. 5
◤ It's important to keep pushing through bad ideas! Anyone, regardless of skill, can use sketching to 'bookmark' their ideas. Let the rusty water flow for the fresh water to follow!
🎹 Learn more about PIANO BLACK*: https://imsety.com/pianoblack
▶️ Watch the video version: https://youtu.be/gUxNaJ1oyOg
📑 Chapters
0:00 - Intro
00:43 - First episode of 2023!
01:49 - Coming up with ideas rapidly
05:53- "Bookmarking" ideas by drawing storyboards
07:52 - How I approached this with PIANO BLACK*
10:24 - Conclusion
12:24 - Outro
🎙 Hosted by Imsety Taylor
Website: https://imsety.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imse_ty
Twitter: https://twitter.com/imse_ty
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/imsety
This is Set Theory. A podcast that inspires others by unveiling the theory behind the creative process.
©️ Credits
Visuals and sound for intro and outro produced by Imsety.