Set Theory
Set Theory
How I’m going to split PIANO BLACK* into bit-sized pieces and my approach to conceptualizing an animation | EP. 4
◤ Here's how I will share PIANO BLACK* title sequence in bite-sized pieces and my approach to conceptualizing an animation. Plus, tidbits that happened during the project's origins!
🎹 Learn more about PIANO BLACK*: https://imsety.com/pianoblack
▶️ Watch the video version: https://youtu.be/w7r4fHNNhoE
📑 Chapters
0:00 - Intro
00:30 - How I will share PIANO BLACK* OP one piece at a time
01:16 - My different stages of the project
04:47- How chopping up the project will make it easier to share
06:58 - The early pre-production stage
11:47 - Using the ideas I already wrote down to come up with a concept
14:27 - Conclusion
16:09 - Outro
🎙 Hosted by Imsety Taylor
Website: https://imsety.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imse_ty
Twitter: https://twitter.com/imse_ty
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/imsety
This is Set Theory. A podcast that inspires others by unveiling the theory behind the creative process.
©️ Credits
Visuals and sound for intro and outro produced by Imsety.